Start Page
When the application is launched, the first thing you will see is the Start-Page. On this page there are several actions you can take:
Use the 'New Monitor' button to select and configure a new interface. The configuration page will be invoked, where you can select an interface from a list and define the interface parameter for this interface.
Use the list of recent used interfaces to directly select a device and it's recent configuration. Pressing one of the interfaces in the list will lead directly to the monitoring page and start the connection immediately.
Use the 'Restore last workspace' button to load all monitors used in the last session including their configuration.
Use the application settings button to customize the monitor window, clear saved data or to get information about the app.
Config Page
When a new monitor is created, the configuration page will be invoked to set up the parameter for the interface and the device:
With the upper dropdown button the respective serial interface must be selected.
With the second panel, the baudrate for the interface can be selected. This is an optional step since the default configuration is loaded. If another default configuration is required, the default value can be changed by the save button in the upper right corner of the panel.
With the last panel, the configuration parameter for the interface can be selected. This is an optional step, since default parameter are loaded. If other defaults are required the values can be changed with the save button in the upper right corner of the panel. Beside the common parameters databits, parity and stopbits - advanced parameter like timeouts, pin states and handshake are also configurable.
Monitoring Page
When the monitoring is started by pressing the 'start monitoring' button in the config page, the monitoring page is invoked. The device will be configured and the port will be opened immediately. During the monitoring session various actions can be taken on this page:
On the upper left side of the page are three buttons. With the back button, the monitoring session will be closed and the configuration page is invoked again. With the save button the current monitor content can be save in a file on the local machine, and with the pause button the session could be suspended and later be continued.
On the upper right side or the page are two button. With the clear button the received content in the monitor output box will be erased and with the close button the monitor will be closed, if this is the only monitor in the view, the start page will be invoked.
In the center of the page the received data will be displayed.
On the bottom of the page is a small arrow. With this arrow button the send panel can be expanded. With the send panel data could be entered and written to the serial port.